Saturday, December 28, 2019

In One’S Life Everyone Wants To Become A Leader In At Least

In one’s life everyone wants to become a leader in at least one activity. There is some strange feeling of satisfaction that comes along with being the boss. During On Course by Skip Downing and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey they continue to stress using effective communication and learning so you can become a leader in your home, workplace, and community. They have many ideas on how to help you with concept, but there are four specific ideas that I believe effect this leadership concept the most. I do believe that the most effective way to help become a leader in On Course by Skip Downing and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is self esteem, interaction, learning, and what makes a true leader.†¦show more content†¦This was an example on why I personally believe that self-esteem plays a big role in being effective, because this exact situation happened to me this year in my math class. Therefore, that is why I completely agree wit h Downing about self-esteem and that it plays a big role in being effective. During On Course by Skip Downing and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey they talk about many different ways one can interact with other human beings. In my opinion, the best way to communicate with other human being sis Covey s Six Paradigms of Human Interactions (Covey 217). I believe if one uses the six paradigms it can improve your leadership potential, and these concepts can shape you into a great leader. The first paradigm is Win/Win (Covey 217). This is constantly seeking mutual benefits in all human interactions (Covey 217). This can shape an individual into a great leader, because you would never make any one mad, and everyone would resultingly be happy. The second paradigm is Win/Lose (Covey 218). According to Covey, this is the authoritarian approach (Covey 218). To me you need this to be a good leader. The next paradigm is Lose/Win (Covey 220). This one is pretty much caving in and being a friend. This is a necessity when you become a leader, because you do not want to be a mean boss or have yourShow MoreRelatedLeadership Habits. Recently, I Googled â€Å"Leadership Habits†1256 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership Habits Recently, I googled â€Å"leadership habits† and perused the first two pages to see what the top articles said about habits leaders should develop. There is, as one could imagine, no one list of what habits a person should develop to be a healthy leader. In fact, there are a variety of opinions among the top ten articles on ‘leadership habits’ listed on Google. No one list is more right than any other list, and no two lists are absolutely alike. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

What Are The Independent Variables - 1285 Words

1. What are the independent variables in this study? What are the dependent variables? ANSWER: The independent variables in this study is treatment gender. The dependent variables in this study are worry emotion. 2. Why is a factorial MANOVA appropriate to use for this research design? ANSWER: A factorial MANOVA is appropriate to use for this research design because there is more than one independent variable, each independent variable is discrete variables. The study has more than one dependent variable and each dependent variable is measured on a continuous scale. 3. Did you find any errors that the researcher made when setting up the SPSS data file (don t forget to check the variable view)? If so, what did you find? How did you correct it? ANSWER: Yes, there were coding errors made with measures. The independent variables treatment and gender need to be switched to nominal. The dependent variables worry and emotion should be scale. 4. Perform Initial Data Screening. What did you find regarding missing values, univariate outliers, multivariate outliers, normality? ANSWER: There were no missing values within the dependent variables. The skewness and kurtosis are less than 1.0 on both of the dependent variables and the Shapiro-Wilks’ test: p value for both dependent variables are larger than .001. There is one outlier for the independent variable worry, but this needs to be inspected to decide if it is an error of coding, a possible example of a true value found inShow MoreRelatedHow to Write a Literature Review?1099 Words   |  5 Pagesliterature review just to show what other researchers have done. You aim should be to: âž ¢ Show why your research needs to be carried out, âž ¢ How you came to choose certain methodologies or theories to work with, âž ¢ How your work adds to the research already carried out, etc. What is the purpose of a Literature Review? 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Catalyst Preparation Science And Engineering-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Catalyst Preparation Science And Engineering? Answer: Introduction The effective designing of the rail architecture is necessary to simplify the overall experience of the people who commute through trains. The light and simple model would basically allow the users to avoid the traffic jams and congestion and have a pleasant transport experience. The thorough designing is necessary to remove the bottlenecks from the process and introduce a reliable and comfortable public transport tool. The particular railway facility that has been considered in the report is the new rail architecture that would be implemented by HASELL along with NSW (Addison, 2017). The Sydneys light rail project has been critically analyzed in the report with the objective to understand the landscaped and systems that would influence its overall functional aspects. The main object of the rail project is to strengthen the prevailing railway model so that the issues relating to traffic jam can be sorted and the transportation facility can be strengthened for the concerned authority as well as the commuters (Ahlberg, Nilson Walsh, 2016). Non-functional requirements The functional and the non-functional requirements need to be assessed so that the holistic picture can be captured while designing the most suitable and functional railway architecture. As per Ashby, Bullough Hartley, the evaluation of the non-functional requirements is critical in the process science these features highlight the overall attributes of the railway system and enhance the degree of interaction between the ultimate users and the newly developed platforms (Ashby, Bullough Hartley, 2017). The primary objective of understanding these aspects is to enhance the overall experience of the users so that the traffic can increase and the revenue generated from the rail transport can expand. The role of technical elements is the minimum in the non-functional area but its evaluation is necessary to understand the level of satisfaction of the users or passengers (Berenguel, et al., 2016). Ease associated with the light rail infrastructure Generally, most of the railway architectures are poorly planned that lead to congestion and uneasiness among the people. But this rail architecture that has been planned by HASELL and NSW would take into account the population that is expected to travel by railways. The focus would be on the customers and their convenience so special attention would be given to the cleanliness aspects, customer management, and asset availability. The same has been highlighted in Appendix 1 (Buede Miller, 2016). Surrounding Infrastructure The plan that has been made focuses on the surrounding infrastructure of the railway system. The infrastructure would be strengthened by carefully focusing on the location, material of the light rail model, etc. Similarly, the focus would be on the safety aspects of the customers so that their interest could be incorporated into the new plan (He, et al., 2016). In order to meet the expectations and the requirements of the users, the focus would be on achieving better value for money, enabling public access, focusing on health and safety aspects, etc. Commercial Issues According to Hobbs, a number of issues could arise in the path of the new rail architecture such as the issues relating to insurance, change in the NSW government policy, force majeure, relief events, compensation events, etc. A number of events could be outside the control of the authoritative body (Hobbs, 2016). All these risks have been taken into consideration so that necessary strategic measures can be taken by the administration to control the extent of damage or threat. The focus on all such aspects is necessary to maintain the desired standard of service delivery and quality requirements. Architecture Quality In order to enhance the overall functional aspects of the new rail architecture, the focus would be on the public transport user benefits, road user benefits, pedestrian benefits, environmental and social benefits, and wider economic benefits (WEB), etc. Appendix 2 highlights the areas that would be focused upon in the new architecture design to upgrade its quality as compared to the existing railway facilities. It has been estimated that this new CBD and South East Light Rail extension would offer benefits worth $4 billion to the users (Hybertson, 2016). The pedestrians would benefit due to the better amenity. It is also believed that this new model would help in the overall reduction of emissions and pollution. Interaction between the rail architecture and the ultimate user The nature of the interaction between the new architecture design and the users is vital in the entire process since it would determine the quality of the service. The preliminary designing refers to the first phase of the overall design process. As per the new model, the customer would be in the central position right from the start (Kale Bhatele, 2016). This approach while designing the railway architecture would allow delivering safe and sustainable superior-quality experience outcome. Similarly, the focus on all the involved stakeholders would allow the design to make the service compatible with the wider transport model of the NSW network. Integrated design The integrated model would be adopted in order to optimize the technical solutions. A safe, innovative, sustainable and high-quality rail system would be set as the benchmark that would promote the overall passenger experience, improve the quality of the urban environment, provide capacity for the project ridership demand and it would also facilitate overall connectivity with the Australian railway infrastructure (Madland Nix, 2017). The objective of the approach would be to deliver the best possible solution to the users so that there would be a minimum disruption in the new rail transportation model. Cost-benefit Analysis As per McLellan, the new architecture design would bring about a significant number of changes in the model such as it would enhance the reliability and efficiency of travel from, to and within CBD and the suburbs to the south-east region of Sydney. It would improve the access of the passengers to various destinations situated in the south-east of Sydney. The overall amenity of the public spaces in the region would improve (McLellan, 2016). This new rail architecture model would ultimately lead to the continued, orderly and efficient expansion of the urban development and economic activity within the area. Customer benefits The new rail architecture would be beneficial for the customers for a number of reasons. The customers or passengers would have a faster, comfortable and more reliable public transportation system in the region. The operating benefits would encompass the net saving in the prevailing public transport operating costs (Mohanavelu Krishnaswamy, 2017). The different community benefits would include a reduction in the overall environment and health costs. The broader economic benefits would encompass resource efficiency, additional greenhouse gas reduction, more public transport services, etc. Systems Development Life Cycle The systems development lifecycle is an important step which can be defined as the process which offers a logical structure for the implementation of the desired model or design. It basically acts a framework that highlights the tasks that need to be covered at each step to design the best possible rail architecture. Appendix 3 highlights the theoretical areas that need to be taken into account while planning a new design starting from the defining of the new system to the introduction of necessary changes in the model (Regalbuto, 2016). In the particular scenario relating to the new light rail architecture by HASELL and NSW, two approaches namely the predictive approach and the adaptive approach have been highlighted. Appendix 4 highlights the planning, implementation, testing and evaluation phases that would be involved in the new rail architecture designing model (Ashby, Bullough Hartley, 2017). Predictive SDLC Approach As per the predictive SDLC approach, it is assumed that all the parameters in the designing phase are known. It also stresses on the fact that the know parameters will remain unchanged throughout the process. Thus a precise and clear-cut process would be outlined highlighting the functionalities of all the resources including the functional, non-functional elements, personnel, etc. It provides a logical guideline to follow the implementation procedure while modeling the rail architecture. This sequential approach acts as a framework that does not allow deviation from the set path (Shackelford, et al., 2016). Advantages and Disadvantages The advantages of the predictive SDLC approach include the simplicity of the approach due to the assumptions. The resource necessities of the approach are minimum since they are carried out before the actual implementation process takes place (Shultis Faw, 2016). The disadvantages include the rigidity and lack of flexibility while using this SDLC approach. The process consumes a significant amount of time since all the steps have to be carried out on a sequential basis (Stolten Emonts, 2016). Adaptive SDLC Approach The adaptive SDLC approach is an ad-hoc approach that carries out the necessary tasks and activities as per the requirements of the project. This process is pretty flexible in nature and adapts to the changing requirements in a given situation. It basically divides the implementation procedure into a number of steps so that the same can be executed simultaneously and thus reduces the overall development time. A variety of recurring assembly techniques are adopted to arrive at the final result (Shackelford, et al., 2016). Advantages and Disadvantages The adaptive SDLC approach has a number of advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account while following this approach. The key advantage of the process is that it is a flexible approach that allows changes in the process based on the needs and requirements of the project. It is time efficient since a number of steps can be carried out at once. The output that is produced is better since it reflects the needs and specifications of the user. The disadvantages of the adaptive approach include the fact that it is a resource-intensive model. A significant amount of expertise and financial resources are needed to adopt this SDLC approach (Madland Nix, 2017). The estimation of timelines is not an easy task since this system continuously undergoes changes to adjust to the changing environment. In case of the rail architecture designing, two different SDLC approaches have been assessed so that the best possible outcome can be generated that can add value to the customers or users and the authority. Both the approaches have been used in order to understand the environment in which the specific project will be carried out (Buede Miller, 2016). Recommendation The two approaches of the system development life cycle have been taken into account while planning the best possible rail architecture design. But still, there are a number of areas that need to be focused upon in order to strengthen the current model. The predictive approach would be useful since it would consider the existing rail models on which it could base the new architectural design. It would surely allow design accountability but at the same time, it would limit the quality capacity of the new architecture. Thus it would not help to solve the prevailing problems that are faced by the rail commuters. The adaptive approach would act as an appropriate model since the designing would be a new and creative model that would intend to fill the gaps that prevail in the current rail architectures. In case there would be any change in the requirement relating to resources or manpower, this approach would help the overall purpose of the project. It would also significantly lower the development time which is a vital component in any new model. Thus for the particular rail project that would be introduced by HASELL along with NSW, the adaptive approach would be suitable since it would help to have a better control of the situation in hand. It could be time-consuming but it would address the prevailing issues of the public and take into account their safety aspects. It would help to introduce key improvements in the process like online ticketing model, real-time updates for passengers, etc. Conclusion The report that has been presented assesses the various aspects relating to the new and better rail infrastructure by HASELL and NSW. A number of functional and non-functional areas have been covered so that the new model can address the issues that exist in the current railway model. Since the commuters face a large number of challenges on a daily basis like manual process, increased traffic, etc, the new architectural design could address the issues and enhance their overall experience in this transportation model. The two approaches of the systems development life cycle have been covered and ultimately the more suitable approach has been highlighted based on the presented scenario. The ultimate intention is to present a model that can simplify the system for all the involved project stakeholders. References Addison, P.S., 2017.The illustrated wavelet transform handbook: introductory theory and applications in science, engineering, medicine and finance. CRC press. Ahlberg, J.H., Nilson, E.N. and Walsh, J.L., 2016.The Theory of Splines and Their Applications: Mathematics in Science and Engineering: A Series of Monographs and Textbooks(Vol. 38). Elsevier. Ashby, M.F., Bullough, R. and Hartley, C.S. eds., 2017.Dislocation Modelling of Physical Systems: Proceedings of the International Conference, Gainesville, Florida, USA, June 22-27, 1980. Elsevier. Berenguel, M., Rodrguez, F., Moreno, J.C., Guzmn, J.L. and Gonzlez, R., 2016. Tools and methodologies for teaching robotics in computer science engineering studies.Computer Applications in Engineering Education,24(2), pp.202-214. Buede, D.M. and Miller, W.D., 2016.The engineering design of systems: models and methods. John Wiley Sons. He, D., Kumar, N., Shen, H. and Lee, J.H., 2016. One-to-many authentication for access control in mobile pay-TV systems.Science China Information Sciences,59(5), p.052108. Hobbs, F.D., 2016.Traffic Planning and Engineering: Pergamon International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Social Studies. Elsevier. Hybertson, D.W., 2016.Model-oriented systems engineering science: a unifying framework for traditional and complex systems. CRC Press. Kale, L.V. and Bhatele, A. eds., 2016.Parallel science and engineering applications: The Charm++ approach. CRC Press. Madland, D.G. and Nix, J.R., 2017. New calculation of prompt fission neutron spectra and average prompt neutron multiplicities.Nuclear Science and Engineering. McLellan, H.J., 2016.Elements of Physical Oceanography: Pergamon International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Social Studies. Elsevier. Mohanavelu, T. and Krishnaswamy, R., 2017. Development of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based Priority Dispatching Rule (PDR) for a Dynamic Press ShopInternational Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. InPress. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering(Vol. 225, p. 012026). Regalbuto, J. ed., 2016.Catalyst preparation: science and engineering. CRC Press. Shackelford, J.F., Han, Y.H., Kim, S. and Kwon, S.H., 2016.CRC materials science and engineering handbook. CRC press. Shultis, J.K. and Faw, R.E., 2016.Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering Third Edition. CRC press. Stolten, D. and Emonts, B. eds., 2016.Hydrogen Science and Engineering: Materials, Processes, Systems and Technology, 2 Volume Set(Vol. 1). John Wiley Sons

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Management of Operators For Large Assets †

Question: Discuss about the Project Management of Operators For Large Assets. Answer: Project definition in context of large assets Theproject management of large assets should include employment of a team of specialist who would be responsible for the fully integrated feasibility study with diligence studies in relation to the economic evaluations and risk assessments. A project leader is an integral part of this project as well who is responsible for specializing in coordination and integration of the inputs from discipline specialists to validate that the project has a proper and thorough appreciation of the technical issues that are within an appropriate business context. The mining consultant of the project is responsible for assisting the project team with mergers and acquisitions along with the project financing (Finnerty 2013). The tender for the project financing should be properly laid in order to implement the project successfully. Project Justification and Contract process The project is justified, as it will help in maintaining and managing larger assets. Different sites are considered for this project and the implementation of the project work according to the project plan will help in proper extraction of natural resources through a process of mining and their maintenance. The contract type decided for this project is a cost plus contract. This contract is chosen as it involves the payment of the actual costs of the project, purchases and other expenses obtained directly from the different construction activity. This contract will involve specific and clear information about the pre-negotiated amount of the project costs which will cover the contractors overhead and profit. The detailing of the cost in accordance to direct and indirect costs is necessary in this type of contract (Brandes et al. 2012). Project Financing The project financing is carried out keeping in mind the resources and the cash flow related with the project. The finance should include the potential benefits of the project and the profits from the investments. The financing of this project has undergone three phases, which includes the pre-decision phase that consisted of undergoing proper feasibility studies, experts opinion and aimed at selecting the best version of the project (Winch 2014). The second phase included the investment phase that deals with the planning and contract of the different materials that would be required for the project, services, equipments needed and furnishing. This included the traditional activities contractors hiring and managing their supply chain. The third phase includes the operations phase that estimates the use of facility and resource management as a part of the project requirements (Finnerty 2013). Project Condition, Project Team and Project processes The general project condition includes tools, resources and equipments needed to implement the project. The project tender estimates the costs of the equipments needed, tools and resources as well. The tender further includes the pre development fee, utilities, and office trailers, cost of vehicles and dumpsters, clean up, project staff and labor wages as well (Chin et al. 2012). The members of the project team includes- A project manager A construction manager Project stakeholders Project Owners Contractors Sub Contractors Project Scheduler Safety Manager Staffs and laborers The majorproject management processes related to this project is communication management process and resource management. Different communication planning methods can be implemented for maintaining proper communication flow within the project and to keep the stakeholders informed about the project progress. This is a part of aproject management process, which helps in delivery of successful projects. The resource management process is essential for keeping a track of the project requirements. Expected estimate The expected estimates of the project labor plant materials and subcontractors and other team members are elaborated in the following table Resource Name Std. Rate Project Manager $80.00/hr Workers $35.00/hr Construction manager $80.00/hr Laborers $20.00/hr Sub contractors $50.00/hr Contractors $70.00/hr Business Analyst $70.00/hr Materials cost (estimated) $1000000 Equipments Cost (estimated) $900000 Safety manager $50.00/hr Project Scheduler $45.00/hr Quality assurance manger $45.00/hr Requirements of project changes The requirements or causes of the project change are listed below (Stark 2015)- The difference in opinion of the project stakeholders may lead to the changes in project requirements. Possibility of change in this project requirement should be considered in the tender. Changes in the regulation can be considered as another requirement of project changes. If new regulations or legislations are introduced, it may result in change of project scope and requirements. The improper requirement specification is another major reason of requirements of project changes in particular project. Changes in sponsorship may lead to the requirements of project changes and therefore, this criteria should also be kept in mind Another requirement of project change may be due to the change in the business strategy that may ultimately lead to the change in scope and requirements of a project. Updated technology mainly during a long project as this may be another reason of requirement of project changes. Requirements for Quality Assurance and Quality control Quality Assurance and quality control is required for this project in order to ensure that the project meets the specified requirements (Oakes 2012). The requirement for ensuring quality control and quality assurance for the project includes- The need for through testing of every phases of the project to ensure that the project under development meets the set specification A quality control manager should be appointed who would be in charge of the project quality assurance The routine quality testing is essential for assuring the specified quality of the project. Proper operational techniques should be identified for fulfilling the requirements based on the quality of the project. Different operational actions should be supervised by the quality control manager to ensure the specified quality of the product Requirements for document management, reporting and governance Document management is necessary for keeping a track of the of the project progress according to the planned schedule. Furthermore, it helps in keeping a track of all the project works. The requirements of documents management include appointed of a document manager who would be responsible for keeping a track of the project works and archive all the project documents (Winch 2014). Project reporting is necessary to keep the project owner and project stakeholders updated about the project progress. The sub contractors are responsible for reporting to the contractors, who in turn report to the construction manager and project manager. The tender should include the cost of reporting as well. Project governance or project supervision is necessary to ensure that the project is implemented according to the project plan. The project manager and the construction manager is responsible for project governance and therefore, the requirements of governance includes project and construction manager. Requirements for disputes, Arbitration and mediation Arbitration and mediation are the two methods of dispute resolution. Arbitration is a dispute resolution technique that are used for resolving the disputes outside the court. It is generally used for resolution of commercial disputes and therefore it is necessary requirement of a project. A single mediator who helps in facilitating the discussion and eventual resolution of the dispute however, conducts mediation. This is another major requirement that should be considered in this project. 10. Requirements for Safety Ensuring project safety is an integral part of project management. Therefore, requirements for safety in a project includes Designing of a safety manual by the project supervisor for ensuring the safety of a project The project should comply by the legal requirements in ensuring the safety of the workers. Workers safety should be considered as a first priority. References Brandes, T.T., Fernandez, P.B., Issa, P., Lee, V.Y. and Ma, L.J., Sprint Communications Company LP, 2012. System and method for project contract management. U.S. Patent 8,108,232. Chin, C.M.M., Spowage, A.C. and Yap, E.H., 2012. Project Management Methodologies: A Comparative Analysis Participation. Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information Value, 4(1). Finnerty, J.D., 2013. Project financing: Asset-based financial engineering. John Wiley Sons. Finnerty, J.D., 2013. Project financing: Asset-based financial engineering. John Wiley Sons. Oakes, M.G., 2012. Project reviews, assurance and governance. Gower Publishing, Ltd.. Stark, J., 2015. Product lifecycle management. In Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 1) (pp. 1-29). Springer International Publishing. Winch, G.M., 2014. Three domains of project organising. International Journal of Project Management, 32(5), pp.721-731. Winch, G.M., 2014. Three domains of project organising. International Journal of Project Management, 32(5), pp.721-731.